School's 2022-2023 Fall Term Midterm Exams, as previously announced in our Academic Calendar, will be on 12-13 November 2022.

Location for exam: Trakya University Faculty of Engineering Classrooms.

Organization of Visa Exams:

The organization, implementation and evaluation of the exams are carried out by the Tunca Vocational School Directorate.

Date and Time of Midterm Exams:

Our students will take the Fall Term Midterm Exams on Saturday – Sunday, 12-13 November 2022. Morning sessions start at 10:00 and afternoon sessions start at 14:00. (Since exam documents of the sessions cannot be opened outside the specified exam time, our students' requests to change session will not be met.)

Our students are required to take the printout of the Exam Entrance Document, which will be included in this announcement, and come to the exam.

Any documents related to the place where our students will take the exam will not be sent to their addresses.

Accommodation procedures (reservation, etc.) will be carried out by our students in Edirne during the 12-13 November 2022 Visa exams.

Exam Rules

Students can use a calculator during the exam; However, it is forbidden to use advanced (with commands such as run, exe) calculators with memory that allow programs to be made, stored and run on it.

Students can not use mobile phones, walkie-talkies, pagers, computers, tablets, smart watches etc. in the exam halls. They should not have communication tools and video recording tools such as cameras and camcorders. These types of devices must be kept in their bags in a closed condition. Any attempt to use these devices during an exam will result in the student's exam being voided.

Students should not come to the exam hall with a gun, even if they are licensed.

It is forbidden to take the exam in formal attire, except for privates who are on leave.

Documents Required to Take the Exam:
i) Exam Entrance Document: It is the document that the students have obtained by making inquiries from the Tunca Vocational School website and showing where the student will take the exam.
ii) Photo and Certified Identity Document: Identity Card, Driver's License, Valid Passport document or any of the student ID card.

About the Application and Evaluation of Midterm Exams
Midterm Exams will be held in the form of multiple choice tests for each course, excluding project courses. Examination of the old curriculum courses will be conducted with the classical method.

Two types of documents will be used in the exams as question booklet and optical answer sheet. An exam question booklet and optical answer sheet will be given for the courses specified in each session. The answers to the exam questions of each course should be marked in the column where the name of that course is written. Markings to the wrong column will not be evaluated. In the answer sheet, code the column that is reserved for the relevant course and the name of the course is clearly written. Do not forget to mark the type of your question booklet (booklet A and B) on the optical answer sheet.

In the evaluation of the answers, points will be given to the correct answers, wrong answers will not take away the correct answers. Therefore, it is for the benefit of the students that the questions in the question booklets are not left unanswered. Evaluation in the exams is made out of 100 full marks for each course and equal points are given to each question. When the number of correct answers is multiplied by the point value of a question, the raw score of the exam of that course is found. If there is an error in the exam questions detected during the exams, the situation will be evaluated by our Board of Directors, if necessary, the question will be canceled and the point value of the question will be added to the exam grade of all students who took the exam.

Answer papers are read at least twice in a controlled manner with an optical reader in the computing environment. Information processing methods are used in the evaluation of exams, recording, storing and announcing the grades to the students.
Disabled students with a medical report can report their requests to take the exam in a separate classroom where a special supervisor is assigned and in a way that they can get support, to the Exam Coordinator on the exam day or to the e-mail address before the exam day. Necessary measures have been taken for these students to prevent any situation that may adversely affect their exams.
Examine the tables below to find out which course takes place in which session in the Midterm Exam sessions that will be held centrally face-to-face.


We wish all our students success in their exams...
This content was issued on 19.10.2022 and has been viewed for 871 times.