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Frequently Asked Questions
Tunca Vocational College (TVC) - FAQ
Q: How do I follow the announcements?
A: Please visit http://tuncamyo.trakya.edu.tr for the announcements.
Q: I have applied for the excuse examination of the 1st Quizzes. How do I know if my application is approved or not?
A: Excuse examination applications will be taken into consideration for each applicant and an e-mail notification will be sent to each applicant regarding the status of the application. Examination dates will also be included in the e-mail if the application is approved.
Q: When do I take the excuse examination?
A: Excuse examination schedule is presented on the TVC website. Besides, announcements have detailed information regarding the examinations.
Q: How do I access midterm examinations?
A: Whether the midterm exam will be a multiple choice test or a research topic will be announced on the TVC website 1 week prior to the examination. Students can access midterm examinations within the given period on the LMS.
Q: Will there be an introductory animation regarding the examination procedure?
A: An introductory animation regarding the examination procedure is sent to each student within the system by the system administrator.
Q: Can I retake the exam if I have any problem? (internet or power outages, system crashes)
A: Yes, on condition that the student did not click "Finish Exam" button. For intance, a students begins the exam and in the 15th minute of a 30-minute exam, he/she has a problem with the internet, electricity or the computer. In that case, he/she still has 15 minutes to log in again and continue the exam without an exam retake request. However, if he/she cannot log in within this 15 minutes, the examination will come to an end. In this case, one should log in as soon as possible and send an exam retake request.
Q: If a student fails to finish the exam, can he/she log in again and continue later?
A: Yes, if the duration of the exam is not over at the time of the second log in. After the given duration of the exam, it is not possible to continue. The faculty will grant another access to the exam upon sending an exam retake request.
Q: If a problem arises before clicking on "FINISH EXAM" button (internet, electricity or system failure), is it still possible to continue the exam?
A: As long as a student does not click the "FINISH EXAM" button, it is possible to continue. However, the timer of the exam starts counting from the moment a student begins it. For instance, a student who starts a 30-minute exam at 10:00 can only continue until 10:30, if the "FINISH EXAM" button is not clicked.
Q: Is it possible to browse the questions first and change the given answers during an exam? For instance,is possible to change the answer to Q2 while checking Q5?
A: Within the given duration of the exam, it is possible to change answers. Each question has a "SAVE" button. It is possible to click on other questions and change the answers without checking "SAVE" option. In other words, as long as the "SAVE" option is not selected, it is possible to change answer. Here, one should bear in mind that it is necessary to select "SAVE" for each question before finishing the exam.
Q: Is the timer displayed on screen during the exam?
A: Yes. The timer is displayed on the recommended browser, "Internet Explorer". Problems may occur with other browsers during exams.
Q: Is it possible to make any alteration after clicking "FINISH EXAM" button?
A: No. Clicking on "FINISH EXAM" button is the same as a student's handing the exam paper to the teacher. Therefore, no change will be allowed after clicking "FINISH EXAM" button.
Q: What kind of information is displayed after finishing the exam?
A: "FINISH EXAM" button must be clicked in order to finish an exam. Upon doing this, the student will be redirected to "USER EXAMS" screen (that page will be displayed).
Q: Will I see my score, correct and incorrect answers, missing questions and other statistics upon finishing the exam?
A: No, not immediately. First, the total duration of the exam must finish. After that, this kind of information will be announced on a date and time set by TVC, following a revision.
Q: How do I get informed about my exam scores?
A: When TVC execute the part related to the exam scores on the set date and time, all students will be able to see them on their individual accounts. Exam scores will be accessed through the course homepage by clicking on exams.
This content was issued on 20.06.2013 and has been viewed for 2266 times.